Sunday, 2 April 2017

Design Trawler's Kitchen Rider

Van Halen famously requested a bowl of M&M's with all the brown ones removed. Axl Rose had a thing for cubic melons, while Lady Gaga once insisted her dressing room feature Union Flag bunting, Pimm's, and fish & chips. The 'rider', is the list of demands presented to a venue by an artist before a performance.

Design Trawler's kitchen performances are known to rival anything that Lady Gaga can offer, and the 'kitchen rider' should be a staple for any chef exécutif. That is, the list of demands required for culinary performances. Presented in Ultraloft on an acacia wood board; simple tools and seasonings that underpin all dishes performances. Cole & Mason Seville grinders, a black marble pestle and mortar, smoked garlic, and Barbera's exquisite Lorenzo D.O.P Sicilian olive oil. Cubic melon optional.

Shown against a backdrop of vintage grey mix tiles from Topps' Boutique collection - because good graphic design is deserved in every room of the house as prophesied in our recent bulletin!